80 research outputs found

    Towards Comprehensive Computational Representations of Arabic Multiword Expressions

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    A successful computational treatment of multiword expressions (MWEs) in natural languages leads to a robust NLP system which considers the long-standing problem of language ambiguity caused primarily by this complex linguistic phenomenon. The first step in addressing this challenge is building an extensive reliable MWEs language resource LR with comprehensive computational representations across all linguistic levels. This forms the cornerstone in understanding the heterogeneous linguistic behaviour of MWEs in their various manifestations. This paper presents a detailed framework for computational representations of Arabic MWEs (ArMWEs) across all linguistic levels based on the state-of-the-art lexical mark-up framework (LMF) with the necessary modifications to suit the distinctive properties of Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). This work forms part of a larger project that aims to develop a comprehensive computational lexicon of ArMWEs for NLP and language pedagogy LP (JOMAL project)

    Vitamin D Status and Longitudinal Changes in Body Composition in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – A Prospective Observational Study

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    Maria Minter,1,2 Jenny van Odijk,1 Hanna Augustin,1 Felipe VC Machado,3,4 Frits ME Franssen,5,6 Martijn A Spruit,5,6 Lowie EGW Vanfleteren1,5 1Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition, Institute of Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, 405 30, Sweden; 2Department of Lung Medicine, Angered Hospital, SV Hospital Group, Angered, 424 22, Sweden; 3Rehabilitation Research Center (REVAL), Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium; 4Biomedical Research Institute (BIOMED), Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium; 5Department of Research and Development, Ciro, Horn, the Netherlands; Department of Respiratory Medicine, Maastricht University Medical Centre, Maastricht, the Netherlands; 6Department of Respiratory Medicine, School of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism (NUTRIM), Faculty of Health, Medicine, and Life Sciences, Maastricht University Medical Centre+, Maastricht, the NetherlandsCorrespondence: Maria Minter, Department of Lung Medicine, Angered Hospital, SV Hospital Group, Angered, 424 22, Sweden, Email [email protected]: Alterations in body weight and composition are common in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and are independent predictors for morbidity and mortality. Low vitamin D status is also more prevalent in patients with COPD compared to controls and has been related to lower lung function, muscle atrophy and impaired musculoskeletal function. This study aimed to evaluate the association between vitamin D levels and status with body composition (BC), as well as with its changes over time.Patients and Methods: Patients with COPD and controls without COPD, participating in the Individualized COPD Evaluation in relation to Ageing (ICE‐Age) study, a prospective observational study, were included. Plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) was measured at baseline and BC was measured by dual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry scan, at baseline and after two years of follow-up. Multiple linear regression analyses were performed to assess the relationships between 25(OH)D (nmol/l) and longitudinal changes in BMI, fat-free mass index (FFMI), fat mas index (FMI) and bone mineral density (BMD).Results: A total of 192 patients with COPD (57% males, mean ± SD age, 62 ± 7, FEV1, 49 ± 16% predicted) and 199 controls (45% males, mean ± SD age 61 ± 7) were included in this study. Vitamin D levels were significantly lower in patients with COPD (64 ± 26 nmol/L, 95% CI 60– 68 nmol/L versus 75 ± 25 nmol/L, 95% CI 72– 79 nmol/L) compared to controls. Both patients and controls presented a significant decline in FFMI and T-score hip, but vitamin D level or status did not determine differences in BC or changes in BC over time in either COPD or controls.Conclusion: Vitamin D status was not associated with BC or longitudinal changes in BC. However, vitamin D insufficiency and low BMD were more prevalent in patients with COPD compared to controls.Keywords: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, body composition, vitamin D, longitudinal changes, fat-free mass, bone mineral densit

    Electrochemical protein cleavage in a microfluidic cell for proteomics studies

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    Electrochemical protein digestion prior to mass spectrometric analysis is a purely instrumental approach to protein identification, offering reduced consumption of chemicals and shorter analysis times compared to the use of enzymes and chemical cleavage agents. Here we demonstrate the possibilities of site-specific peptide bond cleavage and disulphide bond reduction in a microfluidic electrochemical cell. The use of microfluidics in this context is beneficial for increased electrochemical cleavage yields, small sample volumes and the possibility of rapid on-line analysis, thereby providing a versatile tool for routine proteomics studies

    Trans-Epithelial Immune Cell Transfer during Suckling Modulates Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity in Recipients as a Function of Gender

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    INTRODUCTION: Breast feeding has long term effects on the developing immune system which outlive passive immunization of the neonate. We have investigated the transfer of milk immune cells and examined the result of transfer once the recipients were adult. METHODS: Non-transgenic mouse pups were foster-nursed by green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgenic dams for 3 weeks and the fate of GFP+ cells was followed by FACS analysis, immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR for GFP and appropriate immune cell markers. Pups suckled by non-transgenic dams served as controls. RESULTS: Despite a preponderance of B cells and macrophages in the stomach contents of the pups, most cells undergoing trans-epithelial migration derived from the 3-4% of milk cells positive for T lymphocyte markers. These cells homed to the spleen and thymus, with maximal accumulation at 3-4 weeks. By sensitizing dams with an antigen which elicits a T cell-mediated delayed-type-hypersensitivity (DTH) response, we determined that nursing by a sensitized dam (compared to a non-sensitized dam) amplified a subsequent DTH response in females and yet suppressed one in males. DISCUSSION: These results suggest that clinical evaluation weighing the pros and cons of nursing male versus female children by mothers with genetically-linked hypersensitivity diseases, such as celiac disease and eczema, or those in regions of the world with endemic DTH-eliciting diseases, such as tuberculosis, may be warranted

    Fractionation of cellulose nanocrystals : enhancing liquid crystal ordering without promoting gelation

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    Colloids of electrically charged nanorods can spontaneously develop a fluid yet ordered liquid crystal phase, but this ordering competes with a tendency to form a gel of percolating rods. The threshold for ordering is reduced by increasing the rod aspect ratio, but the percolation threshold is also reduced with this change; hence, prediction of the outcome is nontrivial. Here, we show that by establishing the phase behavior of suspensions of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) fractionated according to length, an increased aspect ratio can strongly favor liquid crystallinity without necessarily influencing gelation. Gelation is instead triggered by increasing the counterion concentration until the CNCs lose colloidal stability, triggering linear aggregation, which promotes percolation regardless of the original rod aspect ratio. Our results shine new light on the competition between liquid crystal formation and gelation in nanoparticle suspensions and provide a path for enhanced control of CNC self-organization for applications in photonic crystal paper or advanced composites

    How does dose impact on the severity of food-induced allergic reactions, and can this improve risk assessment for allergenic foods?

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    Quantitative risk assessment for food allergens has made considerable progress in recent years, yet acceptability of its outcomes remains stymied because of the limited extent to which it has been possible to incorporate severity as a variable. Reaction severity, particularly following accidental exposure, depends on multiple factors, related to the allergen, the host and any treatments which might be administered. Some of these factors are plausibly still unknown. Quantitative risk assessment shows that limiting exposure through control of dose reduces the rates of reactions in allergic populations, but its impact on the relative frequency of severe reactions at different doses is unclear. Food challenge studies suggest that the relationship between dose of allergenic food and reaction severity is complex even under relatively controlled conditions. Because of these complexities, epidemiological studies provide very limited insight into this aspect of the dose-response relationship. Emerging data from single-dose challenges suggest that graded food challenges may overestimate the rate of severe reactions. It may be necessary to generate new data (such as those from single dose-challenges) to reliably identify the effect of dose on severity for use in quantitative risk assessment. Success will reduce uncertainty in the susceptible population and improve consumer choice

    Can we identify patients at risk of life-threatening allergic reactions to food?

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    Anaphylaxis has been defined as a “severe, life-threatening generalized or systemic hypersensitivity reaction”. However, data indicate that the vast majority of food-triggered anaphylactic reactions are not life-threatening. Nonetheless, severe life-threatening reactions do occur, and are unpredictable. We discuss the concepts surrounding perceptions of severe, life-threatening allergic reactions to food by different stakeholders, with particular reference to the inclusion of clinical severity as a factor in allergy and allergen risk management. We review the evidence regarding factors which might be used to identify those at most risk of severe allergic reactions to food, and the consequences of misinformation in this regard. For example, a significant proportion of food-allergic children also have asthma, yet almost none will experience a fatal food-allergic reaction; asthma is not, in itself, a strong predictor for fatal anaphylaxis. The relationship between dose of allergen exposure and symptom severity is unclear. While dose appears to be a risk factor in at least a subgroup of patients, studies report that individuals with prior anaphylaxis do not have a lower eliciting dose than those reporting previous mild reactions. It is therefore important to consider severity and sensitivity as separate factors, as a highly sensitive individual will not necessarily experience severe symptoms during an allergic reaction. We identify the knowledge gaps which need to be addressed to improve our ability to better identify those most at risk of severe foodinduced allergic reactions

    Counselling sessions increased duration of exclusive breastfeeding: a randomized clinical trial with adolescent mothers and grandmothers

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    Background: Considering that adolescent mothers may be more vulnerable to discontinuing exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) before 6 months and that their mothers may exert a negative influence on this practice, this study was conducted with the objective of evaluating the efficacy of breastfeeding counselling for adolescent mothers and their mothers in increasing EBF duration. Methods: A clinical trial was performed in 323 adolescent mothers with newborns and their mothers randomized in four groups: (1) not living with mother, without intervention; (2) not living with mother, with intervention; (3) living with mother, without intervention, (4) living with mother, with intervention. The intervention consisted of five counselling sessions directed to mother and grandmother, in the maternity hospital and on follow-up. Information about feeding practices during the newborn’s first six months of life was collected monthly by telephone. Intervention’s efficacy was measured through Cox regression and comparison of exclusive breastfeeding medians and survival curves for the different groups. Results: The intervention increased the duration of EBF by67 days for the group which included grandmothers (HR = 0.64; CI 95% = 0.46-0.90) and 46 days for the group which did not include grandmothers (HR = 0.52; CI 95% = 0.36-0.76). Conclusions: Counselling sessions in the first four months of children’s lives proved to be effective in increasing EBF duration among adolescent mothers
